Blackberry Daiquiri

Blackberry Daiquiri


sweet and sour



The Blackberry Daiquiri, a delicious cold daiquiri cocktail we make with frozen blackberries. Because you make it with frozen fruit, you don't need to add ice cubes. You also make it with white rum, lime juice and sugar syrup. Instead of sugar syrup, you can also use cane sugar. In that case, count about 1.5 tbsp per person.

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For 2 persons

Lime juice
30 ml
Sugar syrup
15 ml
White rum
70 ml
Frozen blackberries
125 gr
Select unit


  1. Step 1 of 3

    Grab a blender, or mixing bowl with hand mixer, and put the frozen fruit in here.

  2. Step 2 of 3

    Add the other ingredients as well and mix until combined.

  3. Step 3 of 3

    Take a martini glass and pour the cocktail into this.

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