Mango Spoom

Mango Spoom


sweet and sour



You often see a spoom in a course dinner. It is meant to sort of reset and neutralise your taste buds, so you are ready for the next dish again! This intermediate dish is often drunk cold. But who says you can't also do it for dessert? Or just on an afternoon in the garden? Try this delicious mango spoom for yourself!


For 2 persons

Lemon sorbet ice cream
1 scoops
Lime juice
5 ml
62.5 ml
12.5 ml
Frozen mango
100 gr
Select unit


  1. Step 1 of 4

    Grab a bowl and get the hand blender ready.

  2. Step 2 of 4

    Add the ice with the lime juice, mango pieces, vodka and prosecco.

  3. Step 3 of 4

    Mix until it becomes one.

  4. Step 4 of 4

    Then pour it into a champagne flûte, garnish with a slice of lime if desired and serve immediately!

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